Kumpulan Soal Toeic Dan Pembahasannya
Contoh Soal Test TOEIC Terlengkap, Kumpulan Soal. Secara berkesinambungan saya akan terus mengusahakan soal dan jawaban test toeic di update sesering mungkin agar.
B.founder c.found d.founded 2.Plasma TVs have been reliable products that require______repairs during the first 3 years. A.quite b.often c.any d.few 3.The project will be made_____as soon as the final version has been agreed. A.publicy b.publicize c.public d.publicized 4.All chocolate-covered apples are_____wrapped a.individually b.reservedly c.possitively d.approximately 5.Thanks to the_____in techniques, our plant can produce more trucks. A.belongings b.advances c.commitments d.inspections 6.She is an award-winning______at the wall street journal. A.journal b.journalist c.journalism d.journalistic 7.The death rate from all alcohol-related causes has increased____since 1998.
A.notice b.noticing c.noticeable d.noticeably 8.You may receive this message____all computers on your network have been repaired. A.except for b.until c.soon d.earlier 9.The employee longue on the second floor is closed for cleaning____3:00 and 4:00 p.m a.from b.between c.into d.among 10.Please read the instruction____when using the machine for the first time. A.carefully b.harmlessly c.extremelly d.hardly 11.It is almost impossible both to find______to buy the first edition of the Benny comic book. A.such b.if c.but d.and 12.we can replace worn-out____to keep tools at peak performance.
A.dividents b.components c.representatives d.institutions 13.A farmer-owned grain company paid out it’s_____ever dividents to the shareholders. A.highest b.high c.higher d.highly 14.WOCO will___employees to Ireland to help assist in establishing the production line. A.sent b.send c.sends d.sending 15.Breakfast and dinners are included in your tour package,___lunches are not. A.either b.or c.then d.but Answers: • b • d • c • a • b • b • d • b • b • a • d • b • a • b • d Happy studying ya sahabat KBI 🙂 Simak Materi KBI Lainnya: • • • •.
Having entered school in the new city, it was found that B. After entering the new school, C. When he had been entering the new school, D. Upon entering into the new school, 4. It is very difficult to stop the cultivation of marijuana because _____________ A. It grows very carelessly B.
Or it`s growth without attention C. It grows well with little care D. It doesn`t care much to grow 5. The fact that space exploration has increased dramatically in the past thirty ________ ___ A. Is an evidence of us wanting to know more of our solar system B.
Pioneer cdj 2000. QC - full inspection gurantee our quality satisfy our customers 2. KKMARK Flight Case, Road Case 1. Main Advantages: 1.
Indicates that we are very eager to learn all we can about our solar system C. How we want to learn more about the solar system D. Is pointing to evidence of our intention to know a lot more about what is called our solar system 6. Many of the current international problems we are now facing _______________ A. Linguistic incompetencies B. Are the result of misunderstandings C. Are because of not understanding themselves D.

Lacks of the intelligent capabilities of understanding each other 7. Mr.Roberts is a noted chemist_____________ A. As well as an effective teacher B.
And too a very efficient teacher C. But he teaches very good in addition D. However he teaches very good also 8.
Kumpulan Soal Fisika Sma
Public television stations are different from commercial stations ________ ________ __ A. Because they receive money differently and different types of shows B. For money and program types C. In the areas of funding and programming D. Because the former receives money and has programs differently from the latter 9. Manufacturers often sacrifice quality _______________________ - A. For a larger profit margin B.
Contoh Soal Toeic
In place of to earn more money C. To gain more quantities of money D. And instead earn a bigger amount of profit 10. Automobile production in the United States ____________ A. Mixcraft 7 free download full version. Have taken slumps and rises in recent years B. Has been rather erratic recently C. Has been erratically lately D.
Are going up and down all the time 11. A major problem in the construction of new buildings _______________ A. Is that windows have been eliminates while air conditioning systems have not been perfected.
Kumpulan Soal Matematika
Jasa Pengurusan Cepat Pembuatan Sertifikat TOEFL ITP PBT LIA ILP LIA IELTS Dan Ijazah Resmi Asli Original Mudah Berkualitas Tanpa Tes dan Terpercaya Hallo agan-agan sekalian. Perkenalkan Saya Abidin Seto, Di sini kami menyediakan Jasa Pengurusan Pembuatan Sertifikat TOEFL ITP PBT LIA ILP LIA IELTS Dan Ijazah Resmi Asli Original Mudah Berkualitas dan Terpercaya. Yang sudah Berpengalaman di bidang ini hampir 4 Tahun. Bagi agan2 sekalian pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan namanya TOEFL ataupun IELTS kan? TOEFL Merupakan singkatan dari Test Of English as a Foreign Language adalah Tes Proficiency yang digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan bahasa inggris seseorang tanpa dikaitkan secara langsung dengan proses belajar mengajar. Sedangkan IELTS Merupakan Singkatan dari International English Language Testing System.
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