Polldaddy Hack Script Code
PollDaddy Hack This is pretty easy to use. Just download the Python script, and customize the variables for what form/answer/number of votes. It needs Python 2.7.6. Also be sure to do pip2.7 install requests Disclaimer This script will not work on polls that do not allow multiple votes from one person. The useragents and proxy settings will help try and mask your mass voting, but they will not get you around IP blocks. If someone wants to give a shot at forking this and adding that functionality, I will be happy to merge it in. Example You want to rig this poll: for the answer 'It's a great way to keep kids in line during a crazy time of year.'
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A LocalScript is a Lua source container that runs Lua code on a client connected to a ROBLOX server. README.md PollDaddy Hack. Polldaddy Hack Script Roblox Wiki. Diner dash free full pc game.

, and you want to vote 1000 times. The poll_id comes from the url: 9206448/. The answer_id comes from the looking at the source code for the associated checkbox:. Thus, you would want the variables to be set to: poll_id = 9206448 answer_id = 41930288 number_of_votes = 1000 Go.
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