Thrustmaster Program

Programming Thrustmaster Warthog
***After rereading your post.This may be what you need: - to delete the default settings, while your looking at the key setup/mapping. Notice the little white box in corner of the key name? Click or double click it for option to delete the settings. At work & trying to remember the screen I run the same stick with no problems. You are using the game settings correct?
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1st make sure the stick/throttle are working properly on your pc. (test it) 2) Are you using twist rudder or the paddles on the throttle. If paddles, lock the twist as per the instructions & select the axis button to RED.
3) Go into the game settings and select your functions, map them to the keys following the game prompts. Remember to SAVE the settings. Don't try to use the built in stick settings as I believe those are for console games only ( xbox etc. Never tried, pc only here ) *Green is 4 axis control, Red is 5 axis control. The paddles are axis #5, so you need to enable 5 axis control(red) Otherwise (if left green, 4 axis control)the paddles function buttons and can be mapped as buttons. May as well add my yaw ( rudder ) paddle setting in case anyone needs a hand. This gives a very fine control of rudder movement till about 2/3 movement, then full rudder movement after.
Allows for small corrections as it can be very sensitive. It only takes a few minutes to get used to the paddles & provides a very stable rudder control.
I leave roll & pitch stock. I called them paddles, but I guess rocker would be a better description.
Thrustmaster Programma
Pivots in center with progressive movement left/right. * You could always set twist a zoom in/out view or something else.
Hi, I have just bought a new Thrustmaster joystick and I'm completely new to this game and the stick itself. I downloaded and installed the latest driver from the Thrustmaster website (Package 2015_FFD_1) and I'm on Windows 10. On the instructions on the site it says you configure the device and test it by going to Start/All Apps/Thrustmaster/Control Panel. Unfortunately this program isn't installed even though I installed the driver and so I can't seem to be able to calibrate the joystick.
I have gone into the game and started the first tutorial and have noticed that my ship is constantly rotating up in a loop, even without moving the joystick. It's not doing this particularly fast, like it's spinning and I can move the ship around using the stick and accelerate forwards and backwards with the throttle but when I leave go of the controls the ship continues to rotate up.
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